Welcome to Mr. Finch's Blog.

There are so many things that take place each and everyday at the school and I thought our school comunity may be interested in what our school is doing to make Oquirrh Mountain Charter School the best place to educate your child.

Monday, October 10, 2011

NWEA MAP testing is underway!

This week the studetns in all grade K-9 will be demonstrating what they know on the NWEA MAP test.  We have been working ferverishly trying to get everything ready for our first round of assessments.  K-2 will be assessed in Math and Reading, while grades 3-9 will be assessed in Math, Reading, and Language Arts. The students are eager to please and do their very best.

The NWEA MAP is a computer adaptive assessment that targets the students' mastery level according to the Utah state standards.  How it works is the students receive questions based on the standards.  If a student answers the test correctly the computer adjusts the targeted questions to more advanced concepts.  When the student misses the concepts it adjusts down a level to identify what the student has mastered and what he/she has yet to master.  The faculty have found it very interesting to see some of our most gifted students struggle through the test.  With a computer adaptive test, the does not end until a frustration level is met and for some of our students, they are not necessarily used to reaching their frustration level in tests.  It is good to see all our students stretch to demonstrate their individual proficiencies. 

At our upcoming parent/teacher conferences parents will be provided a report indicating the students' scores and what you can do to help raise that score and/or maintain a high level of motivation in continually seeking out learning opportunities each and every day.
For more information regarding NWEA, follow the link http://www.nwea.org/