Welcome to Mr. Finch's Blog.

There are so many things that take place each and everyday at the school and I thought our school comunity may be interested in what our school is doing to make Oquirrh Mountain Charter School the best place to educate your child.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Renzulli Learning

I have been very busy lately getting Renzulli Learning up and running for our students and teachers.  Renzulli Learning is an approach to differentiation that starts with the students completing a interest survey called The Renzulli Profiler. This is a simple online tool for conducting individualized strengths-based assessments that identify a student’s interests, learning styles, and expression styles.

The information gathered from the profiler provides the teachers with the knowledge to use the Differentiation Engine, a lesson-planning tool that differentiates over 25,000 Enrichment Activities — automatically. The result is a highly engaging learning environment that empowers students to achieve more in the classroom, and enables schools to attain better academic results.

Teachers are able to group profiled students by their shared strengths and interests and to compile custom reports on those groups. As a result, students help other students to learn more and take on new challenges.

So be on the look out for a printout of your child's profile.  You may find it very interesting to see what is motivating for your child, what his/her interests are, and what is their preferred learning style.  Renzulli Learning has been made available to the school through our SchoolLands Trust funds.  To find Renzulli on the web, go to http://www.renzullilearning.com/default.aspx

1 comment:

  1. Jason,

    The Renzulli Learning Profiler is a new concept that I am not familiar with, however it is something that definitely has sparked my interest. Currently at my high school we are placing a lot of emphasis on differentiation, so I'm excited to take the information from your blog back to our team. Knowing a child's interest, as well as what motivates their learning can be a powerful tool for not only teachers, but parents as well that often struggle with their student. It appears the program is quite simple to use and yields astounding results within the classroom if utilized appropriately. Thanks for all of the helpful information!

