Welcome to Mr. Finch's Blog.

There are so many things that take place each and everyday at the school and I thought our school comunity may be interested in what our school is doing to make Oquirrh Mountain Charter School the best place to educate your child.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Jr. High Enrichment

Our new Jr. High Enrichment program has been going very well.  Each Friday, the 7th-9th grade students have chosen a special enrichment class that they get to participate in.  There are 10 classes that the students have been enrolled in.
  1. Social Sciences
  2. Drama Club
  3. Choir
  4. Strategic Games
  5. Student Body Officer
  6. Expressive Art
  7. Classic Film
  8. Spanish Club
  9. Japanese Club
  10. Study Hall
The classes are one hour in length and are selected each term.  It is enjoyable to watch the students mingle among the grades and experience interests outside their typical school day.  The teachers are amazing and are doing a great job in creating meaningful experiences for each Jr. High student.

1 comment:

  1. Jason,

    At our school we have done something similar to the enrichment that you are doing at your school. We have what is called flextime 4 days a week. Students change classes every week and go through different classes every 8 weeks. We also have study hall and an extra-miler program. Study hall is for those students who are not completing their work this class changes daily. The extra-miler program also changes daily. These students are those that need extra review on the current concepts to be at an acceptable level. It is our first year doing this and I would appreciate any info on your program that you could share so that we could make ours better.

    Parents and students both have liked this with very few complaints. However we want to make sure that this program is going to improve how the students are doing all around. We are trying to improve the student test scores with this program. Thanks for the help.

    Dan Griffey
