Welcome to Mr. Finch's Blog.

There are so many things that take place each and everyday at the school and I thought our school comunity may be interested in what our school is doing to make Oquirrh Mountain Charter School the best place to educate your child.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Morning Greeting

Our "Morning Greeting" has quickly become one of the most enjoyable parts of my day.  Each morning beginning around 8:15 to 8:30, Mrs. Olson leads the elementary students through a series of songs and chants that motivate and engage the students . We have a great new school song and the students have learned to sing it with gusto each morning.  We also are focusing on specific aspects of our school mission:  Moral Excellence, Citizenship, and Scholarship.  Each of these "pillars" have specific character traits that we highlight each full week of school.  Students are chosen by their teachers who exemplify the trait of the week.  The students receive a certificate and get their picture taken which is then displayed in the rotunda of the school.

Dr. Cox also imparts his vast knowledge of History by sharing interesting historical facts and events that took place on the particular date of the day.  The faculty and students have really enjoyed learning about "This day in History".  The Jr. High also holds a "Morning Greeting" between first and second period.  It is a great enhancement of each school day.

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